Olio Road Productions is a club that makes a student-made film every year, and this year the production crew is creating a score, a collection of songs tailored to specific scenes, for the film.
Sophomore Noah Millis is the person behind the magic; he is composing the music for this year and building a team of student musicians to make the score
“Bringing in talented musicians within our school seemed appropriate, as the film will be entirely student-made,” Millis said.
Having music made for a film is important because it can set the tone for the movie and help the audience receive a message without the actors saying anything.
“Music changes a movie by providing extra support,” Millis said. “It is a language of emotions that can be portrayed through noise, or in some cases, silence. As a film composer, the goal is to write notes that make a sound, and that sound tells the audience what to feel subconsciously.”
The implementation of orchestra score in the Olio Road Productions movie enhances its level of professionalism and puts the production in line with movies you would see in theaters.
“I believe the use of an orchestra will impact the overall emotion and cinematic aspect of the film,” senior and Olio Road Productions Producer Katherine Follis said. “Most movies have an orchestral score, so it is really exciting for us to have one this year too.”
The students in Olio Road Productions pour their effort into creating the best product they can every year. Creating original score for a student made movie will really take the production up a level.
“This year’s film is very exciting as it has a unique and interesting storyline that differs from some of our past films,” Follis said. “The tone and emotion conveyed through the writing, cinematography, and music is something that I am super excited about. It also has an amazing cast and crew that are so passionate about what we are doing.”